Business Consultant with 14 Years of Experience in Process improvement design & measures. Focused Business Development leadership role in carbon footprint management of Carboless. Core thinktank on Carbon Credits and Environment project with Government (M.P) India. Remodeled Blueprint for e-Governance projects to bridge digital gap for infrastructure leasing & financial Services. Mr. Raghuwanshi holds a degree in Computer Science with exceptional interpersonal skills.
Director – Business Development

Combine entrepreneurial drive with strategic and analytical approach. Meticulous operational skills for project monitoring and execution at Carboless. Director of SportsCast India & Norbu Mines with combined market cap of 500 million USD, He has resulted in creation of a robust business model with proven track record. Closely associated in Policy/exchange designing under Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Renewable energy Government of India. Mr. Patel holds a corporate law degree with experience in regulatory compliance and licensing.
Shiva Patel